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Monday, July 12, 2010

My Weekend

1. My mom passed away on Saturday. She was a great woman! She taught me so much about life.

2. I love you, mom, and you will be greatly missed. I'll see you in heaven one day! Sandra Cooper 6/27/1954-7/10/2010.

3. People's Church had 150 to 200 people show up and work at Millwood schools from 8AM to 4PM on Saturday. We made a huge impact for this school and in the lives of kids, teenagers, parents and educators. We invested $10,000 into this school (paint, lights, tile, carpet, etc). With all of the labor our church provided, we invested somewhere around $20 to $25k into our community! Thank you, People's Church! I'm honored to pastor such great people!

4. I didn't announce my mom's death to the People's Church family on Sunday at church. I knew it would already be tough enough to preach, and it would have been even tougher if I had to talk about my mom's death to everyone at church with it being so close to her passing. People's Church, thank you for your prayers, love and support during this grieving season. God is so good and faithful!

5. God gave us a great day at PC! Over 3300 in the summer, and many people gave their lives to Christ. God changed lives! This Sunday is Beyonce's Single Ladies performance, and I will be teaching a message titled If You Want It, Put A Ring On It!

6. This will be a busy week with preparing the funeral, having family coming in from out of state, taking care of the details of all of my mom's business affairs, having the funeral and preparing to teach God's Word at PC on Sunday. Greatly appreciate your prayers.