We are wrapping up our two week series on Sunday! My prayer is that you will have a blessed and successful 2010! 2010 is going to be awesome for you in Jesus’ name!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
A Successful Life
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The Beatles’ Song Happy Christmas At People's Church
Our Worship Team performed The Beatles’ song Happy Christmas on December 20! They did a great job! Revolution Christmas was a powerful series in our church! 535 adults and kids gave their lives to Christ during the Revolution Christmas series!
Happy Christmas from People's Church on Vimeo.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Trans-Siberian Orchestra And Light Show
On December 20, our Worship and Production Teams gave us an unforgettable experience with this performance! I was blown away! Jesus is the light of the world!
Trans-Siberian Orchestra's "Christmas/Sarajevo" from People's Church on Vimeo.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Weekend Highlights
1. Another superb Sunday at People's Church!
2. Taking Communion as a church family was awesome! Jesus paid the price for our sins! Amazing!
3. The Christmas songs were great! The Worship Team helped to create a powerful worship experience!
4. The Trans-Siberian Orchestra music was simply stunning! Our band tore it up!
5. The light show was unreal! I mean unreal!!
6. Sharing the Christmas story with our church with music in the background was fun!
7. The Beatles song Happy Christmas was an unbelievable touch from our band to set up the altar response time.
8. Seeing 101 adults make a decision to follow Christ brought tears to my eyes! Amazing grace, how sweet the sound!
9. Yesterday, my wife and I celebrated 12 years of marriage! I love her so much! God picked the perfect woman for me! Tiffany, I love you more than words can express! You make me complete! I thank God for you!
10. We are beginning a new series on Sunday that is going to be awesome! Success 2010! Don't you miss this Sunday! Come learn how to have a successful 2010!
11. My Dallas Cowboys won and are still in the playoff hunt! Tony Romo looks good in December!
12. I'm taking the rest of the week off from blogging! Have a Merry Christmas! Remember Jesus is the reason for the season!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Thursday's Download
1. Revolution Christmas this Sunday! This is the last Sunday, and we saved the best for last! Don't you dare miss all of the special elements this Sunday! You will be blown away!
2. Invite your friends and family who don't have a church home this Sunday. Many people are open to going to church during the Christmas season, so start inviting today.
3. One great way to invite somebody to church is by going to www.peopleschurch.tv and sending an email invite. Click on invite, write your friends a personal note, enter their email addresses and then send them the Revolution e-vite card!
4. I'm pumped up about our two week mini-series starting December 27. I've called it Success 2010! You are going to learn some great insight on how to have a successful 2010! You don't want to miss out on this insightful, helpful and encouraging series! Success is going to be yours in 2010!
5. Beginning January 10, we are kicking off an exciting series called The Game Of Life! I'm super excited about this series! You are going to learn how to win in the crucial areas of your life in 2010: spiritual life, relational life, physical life and work life! This is going to be a great series!
6. We have our staff Christmas party tomorrow night. I'm looking forward to hanging out with my team and having a blast.
7. We have our board dinner tonight. I'm looking forward to hanging out with my board tonight.
8. I am so blessed with a great staff and a great board! Thank you, Jesus!
9. Because my team has worked so hard this year and God has blessed our church in such an incredible way, I've decided to close the office during Christmas week from Tuesday thru Friday. I'm glad I can honor my team in this way this year and allow them to get some rest and spend extra quality time with their families before they hit the new year sprinting!
10. I'm out of the playoff race in two leagues! I have four leagues left to bring home at least one Fantasy Football championship! Come on teams!
11. Revolution Christmas wraps up this Sunday! I can't wait for Sunday!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
More Revolution Christmas
We have never had a choir at People's Church, so you have to check out our first ever special Christmas choir. They did a superb job. Also, there is a clip of our Worship Team performing The Beatles song Revolution before I taught a message titled Revolution. Revolution Christmas wraps up this week! You better be there!
Joy to the World from People's Church on Vimeo.
Revolution from People's Church on Vimeo.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Entire Video Of The Nutcracker
Our band tore it up with a Nutcracker performance two weeks in a row, but you haven't seen anything yet! This Sunday, December 20, will be the best yet! We have some awesome stuff planned. Be there at least 20 minutes early for the special musical surprise in the auditorium!
Nutcracker Drumline from People's Church on Vimeo.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Weekend Highlights
1. Wow, another super, great Sunday at PC!
2. The special Christmas choir was awesome! Way to go, PC! Thanks to Andre for directing our first ever special Christmas choir.
3. The Nutcracker drum performance was amazing again! Way to go, musicians. You guys are fabulous!
4. Brian Rush, our Programming Director, and the Worship Team tore up The Beatles song Revolution. This song was a perfect introduction to my message titled Revolution. Jesus came to earth and started a revolution!
5. The videos during the Nutcracker performance and Beatles song were great!
6. I'm very proud of our Media, Worship, Programming and Creative Teams! What they've done during this series has been top shelf!
7. We had three Beatles Rock Band games set up in the lobby! One of them was projected on a huge wall. People loved this. It went with our Beatles Revolution theme.
8. Our facilities guy, Terry, fell off the stage in between the 2nd and 3rd services while he was cleaning. The ambulance came and got him. I have great news to report. Terry is doing fine. There are no broken bones or fractures. Thank you, God!
9. We saved the best for the last Sunday! Don't you dare miss this next Sunday at PC as we wrap up Revolution Christmas! It is going to be phenomenal! Be sure to show up 15 to 20 minutes early for a special musical surprise!
10. We had a really fun family day on Friday. We went downtown to the Bass Pro Shop. They had a special Christmas play area set up for kids. The kids loved it! Santa Claus also showed up at Bass Pro Shop, and the kids got to take pictures with Santa. Afterwards, we went to eat at Zio's. I really had a blast with my family.
11. My wife made chili on Saturday. Yummy!
12. Thank you, PC, for volunteering every week and making such a difference in people's lives.
13. PC, I am so proud of you! We are giving over $56,000 to make a great impact in our city and nation during this holiday season. We are partnering with our local City Rescue Mission to feed 600 homeless/needy families. We are partnering with Britton Elementary School and Hope Crossing Habitat for Humanity homes to provide Christmas gifts and a Christmas meal for 23 families. We are also providing all 450 kids at Britton Elementary School with socks, stocking hats and t-shirts for Christmas. We are giving a car away to a single mom in our church. We are doing much more than this during this holiday season because of your generosity!
14. This coming up Sunday is our special Christmas offering. Join Tiffany and me, and start praying about the best gift you can give over and above your tithe this coming up Sunday. Because of our giving, more lives will be changed and impacted for Christ!
15. My Dallas Cowboys lost again in December!
16. Four of my six fantasy football teams were on a bye with the playoffs. I'm in the playoffs in one league this week, and I need Larry Fitzgerald to show up with about 20 points to win. I put up over 200 points in the other league. The playoffs in that league start next week.
17. REVOLUTION CHRISTMAS wraps up this Sunday! Don't you dare miss it! Invite everybody you know!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Videos: Revolution Christmas
Check out the short video of the UCO Orchestra performing at People's Church this past Sunday. Also, check out a very short video of our musicians performing a Nutcracker drum performance on Sunday. Be there this Sunday for an encore of the Nutcracker drum performance, the special choir that is rocking, The Beatles song Revolution, and I will be teaching a message titled Revolution! I can't wait for Sunday!
Eleanor Rigby from People's Church on Vimeo.
Nutcracker Drumline Sneak Peek from People's Church on Vimeo.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Revolution Christmas
Below are some pictures of this past Sunday's experiences. One is during worship, one is the Nutcracker performance, and one is before church started of the orchestra performing Christmas music. If you missed Sunday, I have good news for you. We are having an encore performance of the Nutcracker drum performance, plus a special Christmas choir and more! Invite everybody you know!

Monday, December 7, 2009
Weekend Highlights
1. What a fun Sunday at PC! This was one of the best Sundays ever at PC!
2. Tons of lives were changed by the power of Christ!
3. The Nutcracker drum performance was more than unbelievable. If you missed it, we are doing an encore performance this Sunday. Be at PC and invite everybody you know to come experience an amazing performance.
4. The University of Central Oklahoma's orchestra did an incredible job. Before church started, they played four Christmas songs. During the experiences, they performed The Beatles’ song Eleanor Rigby (All The Lonely People).
5. Brian Rush, our Programming Director at PC, did a super great job singing The Beatles’ song!
6. I thought the message went really well. I know God deeply ministered to many people on the subject of loneliness. I'm so grateful for the work of the Holy Spirit.
7. We handed out candy canes to everybody who showed up early to church. People got to eat candy canes and enjoy the orchestra’s Christmas music before church started.
8. We were over 1470 people more than the same Sunday last year.
9. This Sunday we have another special surprise for those who show up early to PC! Be there and enjoy the fun!
10. My wife and I went to see the movie New Moon. It was average at best. Blind Side is a much better movie.
11. I had a lot of fun with my family this weekend. My kids are so much fun. Tiffany and I enjoy those little rascals so much.
12. My kids like eggnog! Yea! Now my goal is to get them to like chitterlings!
13. Way to go Creative Team, Musicians and Production Team. It was an amazing Sunday. You people inspire me.
14. Nebraska should have beat Texas.
15. The Dallas Cowboys have to win in December at some point. The sooner the better.
16. It looks like I'm going to win in all 6 fantasy football leagues again. I won one game without a kicker because the Saints made a kicking change.
17. REVOLUTION CHRISTMAS! Invite everybody you know to church this Sunday!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thursday's Download
1. I have a huge announcement to make! I mean it is really big! Here it goes: I won all 6 of my fantasy football league games this past week. That usually only happens once or twice a year. It is hard to win in all six leagues in the same week, so I'm proud of myself.
2. My wife isn't pregnant!
3. My wife's favorite words to say are, "Oh my word." My wife is so funny to me. She keeps me laughing.
4. Cale's favorite words to pray are, "Let us all have fun tomorrow." He usually begins his bedtime prayers with that. Love it!
5. Revolution Christmas is going to be awesome! This Sunday will be one of the best experiences ever at People's Church.
6. Be sure to get to church 15 minutes early on Sunday because we have a special surprise for you. This is the first time I've ever told you to get to church before the experience starts. Don't you miss out on the fun and excitement!
7. This Sunday, there will be a Nutcracker performance, a 12-piece orchestra will be performing a Beatle's song before I speak and there will be snow in the building! All I'm saying is you better be there!
8. PC'ers, who are you bringing to church with you this Sunday? Go for it! Ask somebody to come to church with you! Better yet, bring somebody to church with you! Jesus is in the life-changing business!
9. Still interviewing! God is helping us!
10. I love the team I get to serve with at PC!
11. My office at church is always cold. I have had bad office luck with this new building. Oh well, God is good, and they are trying to fix the problem!
12. The stage set design for Revolution Christmas is the best we've ever had!
13. The Production Team is amazing!
14. My oldest son's birthday is today! Cale is 6 years old today! I can't believe it! How time flies! Happy birthday, buddy!
15. Cale has started to really like football and basketball. I love having a sports buddy!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
You Reap What You Sow
1. You can't sow hate and reap love
2. You can't sow judgment and reap compassion
3. You can't sow lying and reap honesty
4. You can't sow gossip and reap peace
5. You can't sow adultery and reap trust
6. You can't sow stinginess and reap blessings
7. You can't sow greed and reap generosity
8. You can't sow cruelty and reap kindness
9. You can't sow pessimism and reap optimism
10. You can't sow bitterness and reap healing
11. You can't sow pride and reap humility
12. You can't sow unforgiveness and reap forgiveness