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Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday's Download

1. We had a long and productive staff meeting this week. I did some interactive teaching on how leaders are not self-made. There was some great discussion on the subject. I really believe this meeting was a turning point for many of our staff members.

2. One of our staff members told me a light went on in their head after a conversation. There is nothing like those moments when something just clicks.

3. I had a tough time studying this week. The Lord really gave me a message that I believe is going to minister to PC, but it was a struggle all the way.

4. I am excited about what God is doing in my heart. My relationship with God is going to a new level.

5. They are framing the inside of our new 44,000 square foot addition. It's amazing how the building looks so much bigger when the framing is going up. I'll try to remember to put a picture of the inside of the building on the blog next week.

6. Tiffany and I went on a date last night. It’s always fun to hang out with my bride.

7. Cale, my oldest son, turned five on Wednesday. It's hard to believe that he is already five.

8. This Sunday, I am speaking on peace. I really want to encourage you to BRING (not invite) somebody to church with you on Sunday. So many people are searching for peace, and I'm going to shed some light on how to receive peace from God's Word.

9. I have a HUGE announcement to make.

10. I mean this is a HUGE announcement.

11. Do you want to know what the BIG news is? The announcement is.......

12. You had better be at church on Sunday! This BIG news will blow you away!

13. See you on Sunday!