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Friday, October 3, 2008

Random Must Read Thoughts

1. Check out the picture below. Steel is going up on our new 44,000 square foot addition.

2. The construction crews are working super hard.

3. All 44,000 square foot of the slab has been poured!

4. The stage in the new building is massive. We designed the stage so that we can put cars and other large items on it. I love to use illustrations when I preach and this stage allows me to take it to the next level.

5. We are receiving a special CRAZY Campaign building offering this Sunday. Church family, be in prayer about what God wants you to give above your tithe to help us build this new facility! IT'S ALL ABOUT MORE LIFE CHANGE!

6. Great weather!

7. It's all about building THE Kingdom not YOUR kingdom!

8. I'm totally pumped up about our new series beginning this Sunday called Just Ask! The title of the message is Lord, Bless Me. This is going to be such a relevant message and series. Many Americans are either going through a difficult time or are fearful about the future, and we need to know how to have God's blessings upon our lives!

9. Sunday is going to be super exciting!

10. Today is my day off, and I'm excited to relax!