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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Pre-Game Grand Opening Thoughts

1. I am so pumped up about this Sunday! God has been so good and faithful to me and People's Church! Grand Opening begins Sunday at 9AM, 10:30AM and 12PM.

2. Exodus, the rap group who ministered at People's Church on May 3, will be ministering again on this Sunday! Do your thang, boys!

3. I want to honor the team who serves with me! You all have been superstars throughout this building season, especially Josh Brown! Thanks to my team and a SUPER HUGE thank you to Josh Brown! Josh, you did an incredible job building this facility!

4. I'm very excited to share the Grand Opening message that the Lord has laid upon my heart.

5. Tiffany's grandparents are flying in today from Minnesota to celebrate Grand Opening with us.

6. We just found out yesterday that Tiffany's dad, mom and brother are driving up from Grand Island, Nebraska on Friday to celebrate Grand Opening with us. We will have a house full this weekend, but it will be fun times!

7. I have some special friends, who have been a blessing to People's Church, driving from Springfield, Missouri to celebrate Grand Opening with us. Thanks, Ralph and Gail, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to celebrate God's faithfulness with us. It means a lot!

8. One of the major mentors in my life is coming to one of the Grand Opening experiences. This man and his family have been very instrumental to our success.

9. One of the guys who works out at the gym with me said he and his family are coming to Grand Opening.

10. Who are you inviting and bringing to Grand Opening? Everybody who calls People's Church home, invite and bring somebody to Grand Opening.

11. The Daily Oklahoman is doing a nice article about the Grand Opening of People's Church in Saturday's paper. All of my Oklahoma blog followers, be sure to buy a paper on Saturday.

12. This Sunday will be the biggest Sunday ever at People's Church! Don't you dare miss it for anything!