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Monday, June 30, 2008

Weekend Update

1. It was a great weekend! Friday, I got my haircut, worked out at the gym and got some Starbucks’ coffee. Then, I got home and spent the rest of the day with my family.

2. The family and I went to eat at one of our favorite spots on Friday evening.

3. My wife and I rented a movie and watched it after we put the kids to bed.

4. Saturday morning, I slept in. My wife got up with the kids, and I laid in bed until 9AM. That is not normal for me, but it sure was nice.

5. I did a lot of work on Saturday. God has been giving me some clear direction for our church, and I'm making plans to implement what He is speaking to me. We also have quarterly reviews this week with our staff, so I was preparing for that as well. Plus, I had to put some final touches on Sunday's message, and I read a book. BUSY BUT PRODUCTIVE SATURDAY!

6. The Juicy Fruit series is really impacting a lot of lives, including mine! I thank God for the work of the Holy Spirit. God is moving at PC. Believers are growing spiritually, and people far from God are giving their lives to Christ! Thank You, God, for all the people who placed their faith and trust in You on Sunday!!

7. Our Newcomers’/Membership Luncheon went really well on Sunday after the fourth service. Many people signed up to be a member which means that they are getting committed to PC. There's nothing like getting COMMITTED to a local church.

8. I was wiped out after speaking 4 times on Sunday and then speaking at the luncheon, but it's a good wiped out when the Kingdom of God is being advanced!

9. This coming up Sunday is GOODNESS! Yes, goodness is a fruit of the spirit!