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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Growing By Subtraction pt. 2

D. Some Christians can't handle reaching un-churched people. They are used to being in a church that is focused on ministering to Christians and neglecting a lost and dying world. So, if you start a church that is focused on reaching and not just keeping, you will lose some Christians. Frankly, it's a lot easier to be a part of a church that is only focused on ministering to the already saved, but it's also not a very biblical church.

E. Some people leave because they don't line up with your vision. There are people who come to a new church with their own vision and have no intention of catching the vision of the church. It's very important that the pastor cast the vision often so that everybody understands the direction of the church. Casting the vision often rallies and inspires the troops and also lets some people know that this is not the church for them.

F. Some people leave because the role of the pastor changes as the church grows. When a church is smaller the pastor can shake everybody's hand, know everybody's name, counsel everybody, perform all the weddings and funerals, make all the hospital visits and the list goes on and on. As a church grows, there is no way one pastor can do it all. More importantly, the pastor doing all the ministry is not biblical because the Bible says the pastor is called to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry (Read Ephesians 4). Some people leave a new church when it begins to grow because they won't adjust as the role of the pastor changes. They literally want one pastor to be Superman.