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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Executive Team Meeting

Yesterday was exciting for me. I spent four hours with Josh and Brian. Josh oversees the entire operations of People's Church and Brian oversees the programming of all of our services (video, lights, music, etc.). We worked through some final Easter details and what our plans are after Easter. We are going to have some cool videos and some special things for Easter. We are beginning a new series on Easter called Dealing With Devastation. There are so many people who are dealing with devastation: death, divorce, adultery, abuse, bankruptcy and the list goes on and on. WE ALL DEAL WITH DEVASTATION! I want people who are dealing with devastation and those who in the future will deal with devastation to know that there is hope and answers in Christ. We are also going to give away an ABSOLUTELY FREE VACATION to a family who has recently dealt with devastation. I'm excited for our church to bless a much needed family with a time of relaxation. We will be giving you more details on the giveaway in the very near future. In the mean time, begin to think about some people you know who have recently been through a devastation and need a vacation.

In our meeting yesterday, we also talked a lot about the future. We are dreaming and talking about how to reach more people for Christ. We talked about the new building we will build next year with the Lord's help. We talked about what positions we need to hire next to continue to be effective in carrying out the mission and vision of People's Church. We laughed a lot and had a blast dreaming about all that God has in store for People's Church. I LOVE THE PEOPLE I WORK WITH! I have a great team. It's great working with people who have the same vision and who love God and love me. WHAT A TEAM WE HAVE AT PEOPLE'S CHURCH!